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A hands off relaxing treatment


Your Reiki Practitioner


I had been using Reiki unintentionally during massage and hands on therapies for several months before undertaking my Reiki Training. My Reiki is a strong natural energy that I was finding difficult to control and cope with until I found myself on the correct path. I came across a Reiki Master and after some consideration I decided I needed to follow the Reiki path. I passed my Reiki First Degree training in October 2012. If there is any further information you require please do not hesitate to ask.

Lianne Randall Reiki First Degree Qualified (25/10/12) Tel: 07980 052969 Email:


What is Reiki?


Reiki is a natural healing energy activated with intention by your Therapist. The practice of Reiki is an original method of healing, developed by Mikao Usui in Japan early in the 20th Century. Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive healing technique. It is much more than a physical therapy, Reiki is a holistic therapy for balancing, healing and harmonising all aspects of the individual – mind, body, emotions and spirit. The Japanese word Reiki means “Universal Energy”.




Reiki is a gentle yet powerful complementary therapy that may be used with confidence alongside orthodox healthcare. As such it expands treatment options. Reiki IS NOT an alternative to conventional treatment therefore you should ALWAYS consult a GP about acute or infectious conditions, and in connection with problems of an urgent nature.


Frequency of Treatments


Sometimes one single session of Reiki is sufficient to feel the benefits; however a course of sessions may be of more benefit. These can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. If you feel the need for more it is possible. A treatment plan will be discussed with you at consultation and will be reviewed as necessary dependant of your needs and preference.


What Happens During a Session?


A Reiki session is generally carried out with client in either a sitting or laying position whilst in a peaceful and comfortable environment. There is no need to remove any clothing as Reiki can pass through any materials, including plaster cast. The practitioner will place their hands gently on or over the body in various positions and places. Reiki will be drawn from therapist by the client and will only draw as much energy as needed. Sometimes particular attention and time will be spent in areas of pain and/or blockage. Reiki may be felt by the client as a flow of energy in the flowing ways: heat, mild tingling, coolness or any other sensations and occasionally you, as the client, will not feel anything at all. Reiki is deeply relaxing and has an extremely calming effect. It is a good idea to rest for a while afterwards and drink plenty of water in the flowing days.


What are the Benefits?


Benefits reported by clients include the following: Deep relaxation, a calm peaceful sense of well being, problems being resolved and relief of pain/aches. Not everyone will have the aforementioned response but it is advisable to be

open- minded before, during and after a Reiki treatment. Reiki’s gentle energy is easily adapted to most medical conditions and may be used safely by people of all ages, including babies, children, pregnant mothers, surgical patients and the frail and elderly, in any situation. Reiki is a complementary therapy and works efficiently alongside conventional healthcare and natural remedies.

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